Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

Free PDF , by Katherine Arden

suzannakailaaustynarmistead | Februari 04, 2018

Free PDF , by Katherine Arden

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, by Katherine Arden

, by Katherine Arden

, by Katherine Arden

Free PDF , by Katherine Arden

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, by Katherine Arden

Product details

File Size: 4479 KB

Print Length: 384 pages

Publisher: Del Rey (January 8, 2019)

Publication Date: January 8, 2019

Language: English

ASIN: B077LT812J



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#6,252 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I have read so many books over the years. This trilogy stands out as some of the best writing I have had the pleasure to read. Katherine Arden's Russia is gorgeously described and deeply felt. Her heroine is brave, young, wise and foolish...it is a pleasure to grow with her and sometimes so painful that one forgets this is fiction. Read this trilogy and lose yourself for a little while in magic and love, on a breathtaking adventure through a stunning landscape. You will be sad when it's over but trust me, it's worth it.

What can I say besides thank you?Thank you to Katherine Arden for bringing my childhood fairytales to life in this beautiful series. Thank you for representing my culture with respect and love. Thank you for bringing this series to the world. It made me nostalgic and made me miss my home country. And it made me remember all the magic of fairytales and the strength of Russian magic.The Winternight trilogy is beautiful. I was jaded and untrusting at first, but Arden pulled me in and earned my respect and made me fall in love with her writing, with her characters, and with the fairytales again.The setting is vast and magical, the writing is lyrical, the story spellbinding. Vasilisa has my heart and my allegiance. This girl, this brave, magical girl who refused to let fear temper her spirit, bind her magic, and erase all the best parts of her. She fought and she won for herself, for her family, and for Rus.I cannot recommend this series highly enough.TW: for threats of rape, forced kissing, sexism

”If you spend too much time alone in the dark, you will forget that you are more than the witch of the wood, you will forget to come back into the light.”Vasilisa Petrovna’s journey began in The Bear in the Nightingale, where she was introduced to the other world that lives just beyond the eyes of the mortals and the devils and chyerti that inhabit that world. Her journey continued in The Girl in the Tower, where she was fighting not only for her survival, but also for the lives of the people in Rus’. Her journey ends on a fitting note, where she’s able to bring men and devils together to save the country she loves and the people within, but also the shadows that lurk in the oven hearths and in the spaces between trees. Her entire journey has been fraught with danger, and it was truly a pleasure to watch her grow and change, find some peace and fit into the space in the world that’s been carved out just for her.First I needed men to help me defeat a devil, she thought. Now I will need devils to help me defeat men.While the previous two books have been rife with bloodshed and threats of war, The Winter of the Witch finally brings the imminent battle to the forefront. The Tatars have made their way to Russia’s front door, and it all concludes with the battle at Kulikovo. As with any war, there’s always going to be loss, and there isn’t one character who walks away from this battle without feeling the heavy weight of it. That’s not the only battle that’s being fought, as the war of faiths is still very much a point of contention between Christians and Pagans, with Vasya at the center of it all fighting for the Domovoi and the chyerti, the folklore and fables that make up the second world she’s a part of.”This is the price of my aid: Swear to me you will not condemn witches to burn. Swear to me you will not condemn those who leave offerings in their oven-mouths. Let our people have both their faiths.”And the romance. Oh, the romance! I’ve been waiting not so patiently for this from the very beginning and not only was it everything I wished for, it was so much more. From the beginning, the relationship between Morozko and Vasya has been incredibly complicated and multi-faceted, but there’s always been a healthy dose of respect for one another. And a spark lying just beneath the surface, fighting and failing to break it.”Why are you afraid?”, she asked him.His hand dropped. She did not think he would answer. When he did, it was so low she barely caught the words. “Love is for those who know the griefs of time, for it goes hand in hand with loss. An eternity, so burdened, would be a torment. And yet—“ He broke off, drew breath. “Yet what else to call it, this terror and this joy?”I was so apprehensive to start this book — not for any reason except I didn’t want this series to come to an end. But all things must. I don’t often reread books or series, but this trilogy is going to make it to that coveted list. And while I’m sad to see it end, Katherine Arden’s brilliance knows no bounds and I’m sure whatever she brings next will be just as phenomenal as this trilogy.*eARC received via NetGalley.

Vasya is just beginning to understand what she is truly capable of. She must quickly come to terms with her power to find a way to save her family and all of Russia from mortal men that have been seduced by evil.Branded as a witch by a mob stirred into a religious frenzy by Father Konstantin Nikonovich, she somehow survives a trial by fire but loses something far more precious to her than her own life. Her unbearable sorrow gives her the strength to embark on what everyone tells her is an impossible quest -A journey straight through Midnight to find the only one who can help deliver them all.The winter-king has been imprisoned in a village far away and has lost his memory of both Vasya and their special bond. But in helping Morozko remember who he is, she surrenders both her body and soul.Together, they travel through the seasons and prepare for a battle that they know is coming. With so much at stake – family and country, men and magic, love and loss – how can one brave girl stand between destiny and the devil?The Winter of the Witch is the kind of finale that I, as a devout fan of the Winternight Trilogy, have been dreaming about! Once again, Katherine Arden’s signature poignant prose and vivid imagery held me spellbound from the very first page. But it is the surprising strength of Vasya that makes this book so unforgettable.Both her steely determination through heartbreak and her ability to trust in her tender heart establish her as a heroine well deserving of such a title. And her story will stay me for a long time to come…

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